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Italian National Visa for Study


Visa Department

To make an appointment please register and book your appointment on our online portal PRENOT@MI

If you are a resident in the jurisdiction of our Honorary Consulates, you may also contact them directly for details.

Students are considered resident at their universities or their home addresses. If either one is in our jurisdiction, they may apply here.

Please note that applications can be submitted up to six months before the start of the planned trip and no later than 15 calendar days before the departure date.

Within 8 days of your arrival in Italy you must register with the Police Department (Questura) and obtain the “Permesso di soggiorno” (Declaration of stay for foreigners). You must present a copy of the documents that were submitted with your visa application bearing the seal of the Consulate General of Italy.



Starting January 11th 2025 all applicants for National Visa (D) will be fingerprinted according to the Italian Decree dated October 11th 2024, nr. 145.

Applicants must submit the following documents in 2 sets – one original and one photocopy (for ALL items, 1 to 12):

  1. Passport or travel document accepted by the Schengen countries valid for a period of 3 months beyond the applicant’s last day of stay abroad. The passport must not have been issued more than 10 (ten) years ago and must have at least two blank pages on which the visa can be affixed. In your passport, your complete birthdate must be mentioned: day, month and year.
  2. Proof of permanent residence in the United States: U.S. Alien Registration Card or valid long term U.S. visa with I-94 Form and I-20 Form. The US Alien Registration Card or US visa should be valid at least three (3) months beyond the intended departure from Italy/ Schengen territory.
  3. Valid Driver’s License or State ID issued by California, Arizona, Nevada or New Mexico (Driver’s License or State ID issued by other States are not accepted). If you moved as part of your study program and have not updated your Driver’s License or State ID from California, Arizona, Nevada or New Mexico, you must submit a current bill of water, gas or electricity. Other types of bill will not accepted.
  4. National Visa application form, completely and clearly filled out, to be signed in the presence of a Consular officer.
  5. One recent passport size photograph, 35 mm x 45mm, full face, front view, in color, white background. Scanned or photocopied photos will not be accepted.
  6. Letter from your US College or University stating that you will attend a course or participate in the program offered by the academic institution in Italy. The letter must have a wet signature.
  7. Letter from the Italian education institution or US institution with a campus in Italy  giving details on the course or cultural program that will be attended in Italy. The letter must be addressed to the Consulate and not to the visa applicant/student. Please note that national student visas cannot be issued for attending low to mid-level Italian language programs.
  8. Proof of sufficient funds that must be presented through one of the following documents:
    • If you are financially responsible for yourself: present a letter (NOT a bank statement) from your bank, on the bank’s letterhead, signed by a bank official (the letter must have a wet signature) and with a recent date, indicating account CASH balance. Letters from brokerage accounts are NOT accepted.
    • If your parents are financially responsible for you: present their notarized affidavit stating their financial commitment for expenses incurred in Italy AND a letter (NOT a bank statement) from their bank, on the bank’s letterhead, signed by a bank official and with a recent date, indicating account balance.
    • If your school or another institution is providing financial aid: present a letter from that institution’s Financial Advisor stating the amount granted.
  9. Proof of health insurance coverage that must contain a signed declaration from your insurance company stating that you have a policy that will pay for medical expenses, emergencies and hospitalizations incurred in Italy throughout your stay. Please note that it should be clear that the health insurance covers the whole duration of the study program.
  10. Proof of lodging for the entire stay:
    • If the lodging is provided by the Italian education institution or the US institution with a campus in Italy, the letter of acceptance must mention where the student will be lodged for the entire period of the study program (campus, dormitory, other);
    • Should the lodging not be included in the acceptance letter or should it not cover the entire stay of your study program in Italy, then a proper accommodation must be submitted along with the acceptance letter as follows:
      1. An hotel or Airbnb accommodation confirmed and paid;
      2. Copy of a lease, dated and signed and registered with the Italian Tax Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) covering the entire period of the study program in Italy. Please note that the registration of the lease with the Italian Tax Agency is mandatory by law. If your landlord or rental agency in Italy requires the applicant’s Italian fiscal code to register the lease with the Italian Tax Agency please visit the following link;
      3. If you are staying with an individual legally residing in Italy they must fill out and mail you in original a Declaration of Hospitality with a photocopy of their Italian passport or, if your host is a foreign citizen living in Italy they must provide a copy of their national passport and a valid Italian permit of stay (Permesso di soggiorno).
  11. Flight itinerary. If traveling to Italy by land (train, bus, automobile), provide itinerary and state name of border of entry into Italy.
  12. Payment: Money Order or Cashier’s Check (payable to the Consulate General of Italy – Los Angeles) for the exact required amount. Please refer to the Handling fees for the exact amount.
  13. One self-addressed (from yourself–to yourself) pre-paid/stamped envelope (Express Mail, FedEx, USPS) to have your passport mailed back to you. IF THE RETURN LABEL IS NOT COMPLETED PROPERLY (FOR EXAMPLE IF THE CONSULATE APPEARS AS THE SENDER) IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please also fill out the authorization form and remember to bring also a photocopy of the envelope.

For MINOR applicants, one of the parents must submit the visa application on their behalf.

The following documentations is also required:

  • Authorization to travel abroad signed by both parents. The signatures must be authenticated by a Notary Public if the parents are in the United States or by an Italian Embassy or Consulate if the parents reside abroad.
  • Birth certificate translated in English and authenticated by the local Italian Embassy/Consulate of the country of birth.
  • Notarized copies of both parents’ picture I.D.s

The Consular office will evaluate the documents submitted and may request additional ones at its discretion. Furthermore, you should also be aware that submitting the required documentation does not automatically guarantee the issuance of a visa.