On March 6th at Palisades Charter High School and on March 7th at San Pedro High School a group of students who attend the Italian classes have been awarded for having taken part in the contest “Italo Calvino and Sustainability”.
At Palisades Charter High School, Consul Lorenza Errighi congratulated the teacher Arianna Strippoli and her students who won the first place in Los Angeles’ Consular jurisdiction. She also thanked Hilary Stern, Executive Director of Fondazione Italia, a non-profit organization active in the promotion of Italian language and culture that supports Italian programs in schools and the Consulate General of Italy in California. They both awarded the students with the check and with the Italo Calvino book, Marcovaldo. After the ceremony the students had the opportunity to interview the Consul.
At San Pedro High School the Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles, Emanuele Amendola congratulated the teacher Paola Tavarelli and her students who took part in the contest and awarded them with the Italo Calvino book, Invisible Cities. He also explained the goals of the Italian Cultural Institute and the events that are organized. Finally he invited the students to attend the events for free and to subscribe to the mailing list on the website https://iiclosangeles.esteri.it/en/.
The contest’s jury decided to award all students that participated in the contest with a prize, as they wished to acknowledge the students’ significant efforts evident in their wonderful artistic and creative submissions of poems and short film about Italo Calvino and sustainability.
The Consulate General of Italy appreciates the commitment of the Principals Pamela Magee and Raymond Aubele and their foresight in giving their students the opportunity to build critical thinking towards the study of Italian language and culture.