We are pleased to inform the users of the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles that the recent introduction of an additional appointment related calendar has allowed us to streamline considerably waiting times. As much as 40% of those users who received an appointment through our “Prenota On Line” system have obtained it within just a few days. A very positive outcome that encourages us to further improve our work and ultimately suggests, to the interested users, to consult daily the calendar, after 15:00 p.m.
Moreover, with the introduction of additional slots for passport related appointments, starting March 19th, the Consulate General of Italy has also increased, in absolute terms, the number of passports released every day.
Less waiting time, more passports.
In order to further refine the system for the benefit of all our users we warmly recommend to cancel the passport related appointment should your travel plans change; by doing this you will free slots for other resident citizens and help us provide an increasingly efficient service.