12424 Wilshire Blvd. suite 1400; Los Angeles, CA 90025
Email: consolato.losangeles@esteri.it
PEC: con.losangeles@cert.esteri.it
For General Information – operator (Mon-Fri from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm)
Tel. (310) 820-0622
Fax. (310) 820-0727
Emergency number:
Tel. (310) 433-5422
To be used when our office is closed and ONLY for emergencies: accidents, arrests, severe medical issues etc. is available from 4:00pm – 10:00 pm Pacific Time. Mon – Fri, and from 8am – 10pm Sat, Sun, and Holidays. (Calls for ordinary Consular related questions such as passport renewal, visas, citizenship etc will not be assisted nor answered.)
Between the hours of 10:00 pm and 8:00 am please contact MAECI: +39 06 36225
The following departments will answer your calls from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm from Mondays to Fridays (with the exception of Wednesdays)
Citizenship Department
Email losangeles.cittadinanza@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 405
Legal Department
Email notarile.losangeles@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 406
Vital Records Department
Email statocivile.losangeles@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 407
Passport Department
Email passaporti.losangeles@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 408
Visa Department
Email visti.losangeles@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 409
AIRE Departmente (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad)
Email anagrafe.losangeles@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 410
Contacts for other offices:
Consul General’s Secretariat
Tel. (310) 820.0622 ex. 402
Assistance and Pension Department
Email assistenza.losangeles@esteri.it
Tel. (310) 432.9741
Administrative and Accounting Department
Commercial Department
Tel. (310) 432.9734
Student Department